Contact me

Get in touch.

Take the first step toward healing. Schedule a free 20-minute consultation with me—I’ll answer your questions and you can decide if I’m the right therapist for you.

While I am physically located in Philadelphia, I provide virtual therapy to all of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Vermont

*Please note in-person sessions are only available on Wednesdays at this time

How it works

Life is stressful enough right now. Let me make this part as easy as possible.

Schedule a free consultation call


Reach out via the contact form above to schedule your free 20 minute consultation call today. I will get back to you within 1 business day with options for times to schedule a call. The consultation will help me know how I can help you, see if we are a good fit, answer any questions you may have and see if our schedules align. If we are not a good match, I’ll provide some other referrals for you to check out.

Intake/First Appointment


If we agree that we are a good fit, we will schedule your first appointment. I will send you a link to light paperwork to fill out before our first session. This session tends to be more structured than ones to follow as I am trying to gather information that can help me better understand how to help you.

Let’s Dive in Together


In sessions to follow, you will get the support and tools to heal past hurts, overcome barriers, and move forward to reconnect yourself and create the change that you desire. These sessions will be guided by what you bring in with you as well as your long-term goals.

You’re worth the investment.


I look forward to hearing from you!

I know reaching out for support and finding the right therapist can be challenging so I am committed to responding to you within one business day (with the exception of when I am out of the office). I value your time and appreciate you considering including me on your mental health journey!