It’s time to heal and thrive

Compassionate Therapy For Individuals in Philadelphia and online in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Vermont

  • Many of my clients felt like they were bound to struggle with restriction of food, food rules, food guilt, binge eating, purging or feeling overwhelmed by food and negative body image for their lifetime. You deserve to nourish yourself without guilt. Having an intuitive and confident relationship with food and your body is possible. If you want to feel more embodied and quiet that critical voice, I would love to help you get there. Learn more

  • Motherhood can be wonderful and it can also be overwhelming and push you to limits and places you have never been before. With me, all aspects of motherhood are welcome. I hear all the time about how underappreciated moms feel and how heavy the mental load can be. Together we will find ways that align with you to step into this season of life, lighten the load, and feel like yourself again. Learn more

  • Whether you are facing depression, anxiety, relationship concerns, work stress or some combination of these, you don’t have to carry it alone. I will help you process barriers holding you back and foster your strengths. Learn more about therapy for women navigating anxiety, depression and life transitions.

  • Trauma can make you feel stuck in the past, change the way your brain works and how you see and experience the world. It could be a significant distressing event or chronic experiences over time. It is possible to feel more like yourself. Click here to learn more about Trauma Therapy and processing and healing difficult experiences in a safe, compassionate space.

  • Its time to befriend and quiet that inner critic. Together we will explore where that automatic thought pattern stems from, experiences that may have reinforced it and what it needs to take a step back. We will practice connecting to your intuition and strengthening the connection to your inner wisdom. Learn More

Maybe You…

Life can be overwhelming.

You deserve to feel safe, heard, and supported

I’m Paige!

I work with clients who identify as high achievers and struggle to slow down and prioritize themselves. Many clients come to me feeling stuck in patterns that aren’t serving them or burnt out from systems they are existing in. Together we will explore what parts of your life are feeling heavy, the parts of you that you tend to turn away from and the parts of you that are craving to feel more heard and seen.

what i can help with:

  • Get specialized treatment for disordered eating, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, orthorexia, ARFID, OSFED, and body image distress, using a Health at Every Size aligned and evidence-based approach. With support you can reconnect to your body and the wisdom it can offer when we turn inwards. You deserve to experience freedom and joy in your relationship with food, exercise, and your body! Learn more about therapy for disordered eating, body image or eating disorders.

  • Are you pregnant, postpartum or adjusting to motherhood? This is such a vulnerable time and while it can be exciting and joyful, it can also be scary, exhausting, and bring about new challenges and unique stressors. Maybe you experienced a traumatic birth or an unimaginable loss and everything feels heavy and hopeless. I am a Perinatal Mental Health Certified Therapist and am here to support you through this time. If you are pregnant and struggling, click here to learn more about therapy for pregnancy. If you are postpartum click here.

  • Are you an athlete working hard to balance work or school with training, a social life and other obligations? Maybe you want to work through some mental blocks, or are recovering from an injury that has shattered your plans. Athletes face unique stressors on their mind and body and I am here to support you through them and build confidence and connection from within. A clearer mind can lead to better performance and focus. Click here to learn more about working together!

  • Maybe you are looking to process specific challenging events, relationships, or gain a better understanding of how your life experiences and intersecting identities have shaped you. Get trauma-informed support tailored to you and your symptoms. We will explore your symptoms, their root causes, and find a path forward that aligns with YOUR values. Trauma therapy can change how your experience the world. Click here to learn more about trauma therapy.

  • Do you hold yourself to high expectations and struggle to give yourself a break? In our work together, you can find clarity in what you value, ways to cope with life stressors, and making meaningful connections. We will explore all aspects of your identity with curiosity and compassion. Learn to embrace all parts of yourself and embody your worth!

How it works

Life is stressful enough right now. Let me make this part as easy as possible.

Click this link to reach out for a free, 20 minute consultation. I will get back to you within 1 business day with options for times to schedule a call. The consultation will help me know how I can help you, see if we are a good fit, answer any questions you may have and see if our schedules align. If we are not a good match, I’ll provide some other referrals for you to check out.


Schedule a free consultation call

If we agree that we are a good fit, we will schedule your first appointment. I will send you a link to light paperwork to fill out online via a secure portal before our first session. This session tends to be more structured than ones to follow as I am trying to gather information that can help me better understand how to help you.


Intake/First Appointment

In sessions to follow, you will get the support and tools to heal past hurts, overcome barriers, and move forward to reconnect yourself and create the change that you desire. These sessions will be guided by what you bring in with you as well as your long-term goals.


Let’s Dive in Together

You’re not alone.

You’re not alone. Together we can tap into your innate worth and wisdom through connection and reflection