The Blog

Resources to improve your mental health, increase your self-awareness, and invite growth.

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Coping with Pregnancy Anxiety

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Disordered Eating

Navigating Postpartum Rage

Coping with Pregnancy Anxiety

It is normal for expecting mothers to feel anxious during this significant time in their lives with the upcoming life changes in addition to the hormonal and physical changes occurring in their body. Sometimes the anxiety might reach levels where it feels distressing or too much. This is not uncommon and there are tools, resources, and support available.

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Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Disordered Eating

In a world consumed by diet culture, disordered eating can silently infiltrate the lives of individuals, affecting their physical and emotional health. The earlier one can identify disordered eating, the quicker someone can gain insight into their behaviors, access support and prevent worsening of symptoms. Here are some things to look out for:

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Birth Trauma: Prevalence and Tips for Recovery

For some mothers, the joyful experience of bringing a life into this world can be marred by birth trauma. Birth trauma refers to deeply distressing experiences during childbirth that may leave individuals feeling overwhelmed, frightened, and often betrayed by their bodies and/or healthcare providers. It can result from a variety of factors. Learn more about it and how to cope

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Navigating Postpartum Rage

The postpartum period can come with a range of complex emotions, including something that is often unspoken and misunderstood: postpartum rage. In this blog post, we will explore the topic of postpartum rage with compassion, empathy, and support, providing insights, coping strategies, and resources to help navigate this challenging aspect of motherhood.

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Signs of Perinatal and Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Becoming a mother can be a transformative and joyous experience, but it can also bring about a range of emotions and challenges. Did you know that up to 20% of new mothers can experience clinically significant postpartum mental health issues?

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Barriers in Pursuing Eating Disorder Recovery 

Maybe you have known you haven’t had the best relationship with food and your body but are hesitant to take action steps to shift that relationship. Maybe you know someone who seems to struggle with an eating disorder and are confused about why they struggle to make changes. There are many reasons. Here are a few possibilities:

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